After Effects Training Raleigh
Group Online Classes
Instructor-led After Effects classes delivered via Zoom webinar. Hands-on training from the comfort of your home or office.
Obtain PricingGroup Onsite Training
Group After Effects training delivered by an Adobe certified trainer at your location or via webinar.
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McKinley is now the best teacher I have ever had going back to elementary. She did a wonderful job in everything this course had to offer. She kept everyone engaged and worked at a pace that was perfect for beginners to advanced AE editors. The course was everything I needed to execute my ideas in my profession. Thank you to McKinley for doing such a great job with everything. Anthony Gamboa - DIRECTV |
I was very impressed by Rob's knowledge and instructional abilities. The pacing of this class was fast enough to keep things interesting but Rob allowed plenty of time to review information if needed. This course has exceeded my expectations and I would love to take the Premier course with Rob if I had the opportunity to do so! Kyle Arends - zZounds/Mbira |
I've been using After Effects for a long while and I've had to self-teach everything. This class really helped me understand all the different tools and spaces and aspects in the software. I used to avoid tools if I didn't know what they did because I didn't want to do something irreversible on accident, but now all those questions were answered and I have a much better relationship and more speed working on After Effects. Valerie Crook - Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity |
Key Benefits of Onsite training
Onsite training is an affordable
way to up-skill your entire team.
Let one of our trainers come to you,
we deliver training to your doorstep.
Tailor the training to meet your needs.
All classes are fully customizable.