Adobe Captivate Training

Captivate training online

Group Onsite Training

Our team of certified trainers travels nationwide, delivering exceptional Captivate training right to your doorstep.

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Group Online Training

Private instructor-led virtual classes. Learn Captivate from the comfort of your home or office.

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What is Adobe Captivate?

Adobe Captivate is a publication tool that allows you to create e-learning content, as well as demonstrations, interactive media, VR content, software simulations, branched scenarios and randomized quizzes. This software is brilliant for creating digital interactive content, and with the right Adobe training, your staff can master Adobe Captivate.

How Online Captivate Training Works?

Our online Captivate classes are hands-on and instructor-led. Trainees connect into a virtual Zoom classroom from the comfort and safety of their home or office. Classes are 5 hours in duration. Should trainees need a refresher they have the option of repeating the class free of charge.

Onsite Adobe Captivate Training with Training Performance

With onsite Captivate training you will learn to create insightful and creative e-learning content that is sure to inspire. Our teachers come to you, and in doing so we can save you time and money with a course that’s catered to the needs of you and your team! We have a team of certified Adobe instructors who travel across the US delivering top-notch, hands-on onsite Adobe Captivate training right to your doorstep. Obtain pricing today.

View Course Outlines

Captivate Fundamentals
2 days | Windows | Mac
Duration: 12 hours
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Course Description

On this beginner class you will learn how to control the mouse pointer, add objects as text captions, images, characters, assets from the eLearning Brothers, and highlight boxes. You will record, import and edit audio, and further enhance the learner experience by adding interactivity via click boxes, buttons and text entry boxes.

You will also learn how to import existing PowerPoint content into Captivate and publish your content so it can be viewed on virtually any device.


No prior experience of Adobe Captivate is needed . Basic computer knowledge is required.

Target Audience

Aimed at new users of Captivate.

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Lesson 1: Exploring Captivate

Explore a Finished Captivate Project
Zoom and Magnify
Navigate a Project
Explore and Reset the Workspace
Preview the Entire Project

Lesson 2: New Project & Soft Skills eLearning

Create a Blank Project
Add Images to Placeholders
Import Images
Use a Smart Shape as a Button
Disable Click Sounds

Lesson 3: Screen Recordings

Rehearse a Script
Review Recording Settings
Review Recording Modes
Record Using Multiple Modes
Record a Custom Simulation
Record a Demonstration that Pans
Manually Record the Screen

Lesson 4: Video Demos

Record a Video Demo
Add a Video Zoom
Add a Video Pan
Smooth a Mouse Path and Show Visual Clicks
Split a Video
Trim a Video
Insert a Video Project into a Standard Project
Publish a Video Demo

Lesson 5: Captions, Styles, Timing, and Round Tripping

Insert and Edit Text Captions
Edit the Default Caption Style
Change a Callout Type Used by a Text Caption
Control Slide Timing
Control Slide Object Timing
Check Spelling
Align Slide Objects
Export Captions to Word
Import Captions from Word into Captivate

Lesson 6: Pointers, Paths, Boxes, and Buttons

Control Mouse Effects
Edit a Mouse Path
Clone an Object Style
Insert a Highlight Box
Insert an Image Button
Control Appear After Timing

Lesson 7: Images and Videos

Insert, Resize, and Restore an Image
Import Images into the Library
Resize, Transform, and Align Images
Manage Unused Library Assets
Create an Image Slideshow
Insert a Video
Set Video Properties

Lesson 8: Audio

Work with Rollover Captions
Import Audio onto a Slide Object
Import Background Audio
Add a Slide Note
Calibrate a Microphone
Record Slide Audio
Import Audio onto a Slide
Edit an Audio File
Insert Silence
Convert Text-to-Speech

Lesson 9: States, Animations, and Object Effects

Change State Views for a Button
Add an Animation to a slide
Insert a Text Animation
Apply an Effect to a Slide Object
Apply a Free Fall Effect to an Object

Lesson 10: Software Simulations

Hide the Mouse
Replace Phrases
Insert a Click Box
Insert a Text Entry Box

Lesson 11: Working With PowerPoint

Create a Project from a Presentation
Edit the Source Presentation
Synchronize with Source
Rescale a Project

Lesson 12: Quizzing

Edit Quizzing Object Styles
Set the Quiz Preferences
Question Slides
Insert Question Slides
Edit a Question Slide
Compare Submit All to Submit Buttons
Insert a Knowledge Check
Review a GIFT File
Import a GIFT File into a Project
Create Question Pools
Move Questions to Pools
Insert Random Question Slides

Lesson 13: Publishing

Apply a Skin
Edit, Save, and Delete a Skin
Name Slides
Check Publish Settings and Add a Loading Screen
Publish as SWF and PDF
Run the HTML5 Tracker
Publish as HTML5

Captivate Advanced
2 days | Windows | Mac
Duration: 12 hours
More Info

Course Description

On this class you will learn the higher-end, more advanced functionality of Adobe Captivate. You will improve your screen recording skills via project templates and by pre-editing your text captions. You will learn how to record and edit video demos that allow you to capture screen actions in real-time.

After importing quiz questions you will learn how to create random quizzes using question pools and random question slides. You will create lessons that automatically reflow to fit just about any kind of display (including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smart phones).

You will use object styles, master slides, themes, and advanced actions. You will engage your learners using variables, widgets, and learner interactions (including drag and drop). You will create branching scenarios that allow learners to plot their own path through your content.

You will create assessable content by adding such 508-compliant features as accessibility text, keyboard shortcuts, and closed captions.

Discover Captivate’s reporting features and, along the way, learn about Learning Management Systems.


Students should have completed Captivate Fundamentals or have equivalent knowledge prior to attending.

Target Audience

Aimed at existing users of Captivate.

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Lesson 1: Interactive Software Simulations and Caption Pre-Editing

Rehearse a Script
Set Recording Preferences
Record a Simulation
Edit a Text Capture Template

Lesson 2: Object Styles, Project Sharing, and Branching

Create a New Style
Apply an Object Style Globally
Export and Import an Object Style
Name a Slide
Copy/Paste Project Assets
Use Buttons to Create a Branch
Explore the Branching View
Create a Branch Group

Lesson 3: Variables and Widgets

Add Project Information
Insert a System Variable
Edit a System Variable
Create a User Variable
Use a Variable to Gather Learner Data
Insert and Format a Widget

Lesson 4: Interactive Videos and Virtual Reality

Insert an Interactive Video
Add Bookmarks
Add Slide Overlays
Create a Virtual Reality Project
Add a Text Hotspot
Add an Audio Hotspot
Add a Quiz to a Virtual Reality Project

Lesson 5: Interactions

Insert a Process Circle
Create a Basic Drag and Drop Interaction
Manage Drag and Drop Buttons and Write Captions
Create a “Trick” Retry Slide
Explore an Advanced Drag and Drop Project
Create an Advanced Drag and Drop Interaction
Change the States of a Smart Shape
Use States to Swap Images

Lesson 6: Accessible eLearning

Set Document Information
Enable Accessibility
Add Accessibility Text to Slides
Import Slide Audio
Add Shortcut Keys
Add Closed Captions
Set a Tab Order

Lesson 7: Advanced Actions

Use a Completed Action
Name Objects
Create a Mask
Control Object Visibility
Create a Standard Advanced Action
Attach an Action to a Button
Group Timeline Objects
Create a Variable
Create a Conditional Action
Create Decision Blocks

Lesson 8: Project Templates and Master Slides

Work with the Main Master Slide
Work with Content Masters
Apply a Master to Filmstrip Slides
Edit a Master
Apply a Theme
Create a Custom Theme
Review a Template
Create a Project Based on a Template
Create a Project Template

Lesson 9: Responsive Projects

Customize Breakpoints
Save a Standard Project As Responsive
Insert and Name Fluid Boxes
Resize Fluid Boxes
Add Content to Fluid Boxes
Switch Modes
Use the Position Inspector
Modify a Single Breakpoint
Exclude from View
Add a New Breakpoint
Position and Link Objects
Edit Breakpoint Object Styles

Lesson 10: Reporting Results

Set Quiz Reporting Options
Create a Manifest File
Report a Button Interaction
Adjust Slide Object Interaction
Preview in SCORM Cloud
Publish a Content Package
Create an Inquisiq LMS Account
Create an LMS Course
Attach a Lesson to a Course
Test an eLearning Course


Key Benefits of Onsite training



Onsite training is an affordable
way to up-skill your entire team.



Let one of our trainers come to you,
we deliver training to your doorstep.



Tailor the training to meet your needs.
All classes are fully customizable.


We provide onsite Excel training right across the country, including:

Group Training Quotation

Step 1 - Choose your format
Step 2 - Choose your course/s
Step 3 - Provide additional details