Adobe Illustrator Training

Illustrator training online

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Our team of certified trainers travels nationwide, delivering exceptional Illustrator training right to your doorstep.

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Private instructor-led virtual classes. Learn Illustrator from the comfort of your home or office.

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What is Adobe Illustrator?

Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor used to create all kinds of vector artwork such as logos, corporate stationery, cartoons, product packaging, icons, charts and other illustrations. It’s amazing software and a must-have in the arsenal of any graphic designer.

How Online Illustrator Training Works?

Our online Illustrator classes are hands-on and instructor-led. Trainees connect into a virtual Zoom classroom from the comfort and safety of their home or office. Classes are 5 hours in duration. Should trainees need a refresher they have the option of repeating the class free of charge.

Onsite Adobe Illustrator Training with Training Performance

To ensure a hassle-free, affordable learning experience for you and your staff, we bring the teaching straight to you. This saves on transport costs and man hours, ensuring you receive a learning experience that works for you, when it’s good for you. Obtain pricing today.

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Illustrator Quickstart
1 day | Windows | Mac
Duration: 6 hours
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Course Description

On this beginner class you will learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator. Topics include learning the interface, working with shapes and lines, mastering the pen tool, working with type, and creating a flyer.


No prior experience of Adobe Illustrator is needed. Basic computer knowledge is required.

Target Audience

Aimed at new users of Illustrator.

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Lesson 1: Interface & Navigation

In this lesson, you will explore the interface and navigation of Adobe Illustrator - the World's no. 1 vector editing program.

What’s new with Illustrator 2020
How Illustrator works with media
Raster vs Vector graphics
Create a New Document
Navigate the Illustrator Interface
The Tool Panel
Working with vector graphics
Working with Workspaces

Lesson 2: Working with Illustrator Shape Tools

Learn to work with the Illustrator Shape Tools and Object Transform features to create basic icons for buttons, logos or other professional and personal purposes.

Work with Various Shapes & Lines
Transform Shapes
Combine and Manipulate Shapes
Work with Object Transforms

Lesson 3: The Pen Tool: Tracing & Coloring Artwork

Learn how to use the ultimate precision path creation tool in Illustrator…the Pen Tool.

Learn about Vector Paths
Learn to use the Pen Tool
Other Path Manipulation Tools
Path simplification in AI 2020

Lesson 4: Typography Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals of formatting text using the Character Panel.

Get familiar with the Character Panel
Working with various classifications of fonts
Font filtering, searching and installation
Working with spacing properties
Create two basic types of text
Auto Spell-Check 2020

Lesson 5: Event Vector Poster Design

Combine what you have learned (and learn new techniques) to create an event poster.

Properly setting up your project
Practice Creating and Arranging Text
Work with and Modify Vector Graphics
Learn One Way how to Distort Text Creatively

Lesson 6: Exporting a Project for Web and Beyond

Explore the best way to finish your artwork and export it for websites, social media and beyond.

Saving and Archiving Projects
Prepping your Artwork for Export
Export As function
Learn about Save for Web Legacy

Illustrator Fundamentals
3 days | Windows | Mac
Duration: 15 hours
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Course Description

On this beginner class you will learn the fundamentals of Adobe Illustrator. Topics include learning the interface, working with shapes and lines, mastering the pen tool, working with type, creating a flyer, advanced shapes, masking with text, 3D shapes, colors and gradients, combining shapes, symbols, patterns, styling effects, dartboards and layers, and much more.


No prior experience of Adobe Illustrator is needed. Basic computer knowledge is required.

Target Audience

Aimed at new users of Illustrator.

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Lesson 1: Interface & Navigation

Explore the interface and navigation of Adobe Illustrator - the World's no. 1 vector editing program.

What’s new with Illustrator 2020
How Illustrator works with media
Raster vs Vector graphics
Create a New Document
Navigate the Illustrator Interface
The Tool Panel
Working with vector graphics
Working with Workspaces

Lesson 2: Working with Illustrator Shape Tools

Learn to work with the Illustrator Shape Tools and Object Transform features to create basic icons for buttons, logos or other professional and personal purposes.

Work with Various Shapes & Lines
Transform Shapes
Combine and Manipulate Shapes
Work with Object Transforms

Lesson 3: The Pen Tool: Tracing & Coloring Artwork

Learn how to use the ultimate precision path creation tool in Illustrator…the Pen Tool.

Learn about Vector Paths
Learn to use the Pen Tool
Other Path Manipulation Tools
Path simplification in AI 2020

Lesson 4: Typography Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals of formatting text using the Character Panel.

Get familiar with the Character Panel
Working with various classifications of fonts
Font filtering, searching and installation
Working with spacing properties
Create two basic types of text
Auto Spell-Check 2020

Lesson 5: Event Vector Poster Design

Combine what you have learned (and learn new techniques) to create an event poster.

Properly setting up your project
Practice Creating and Arranging Text
Work with and Modify Vector Graphics
Learn One Way how to Distort Text Creatively

Lesson 6: Exporting a Project for Web and Beyond

Explore the best way to finish your artwork and export it for websites, social media and beyond.

Saving and Archiving Projects
Prepping your Artwork for Export
Export As function
Learn about Save for Web Legacy

Lesson 7: Compounding Shapes

Learn how to combine shapes into a single shape known as compound shape.

What are Compound Shapes
Creating Compound Shapes
Use Compound Shapes to Create Complex Art

Lesson 8: Advanced Shape Construction

Use the powerful Pathfinder Tool to create compound and other types of unique custom shapes for professional projects.

Access and Use the Pathfinder Panel
Shape Modes vs Pathfinders
Use the Pathfinder to Create Compound Shapes

Lesson 9: The Pathfinder in Practice

Harness the power of the Pathfinder Panel and some new techniques to create unique logo art.

The Power of Outlining Text
Create vector textures to texturize text and other vector graphics
Logo Workflows
Managing layers in the Layers Panel

Lesson 10: Illustrator Symbols

Save your art and then distribute it in various ways using Symbols.

What are Symbols?
Create Symbols
Use Symbols in your Artwork
Working with Symbol Tools

Lesson 11: Typography In-Depth

Delve deeper into the world of typography and explore more panels and text path effects to expand your artistic abilities.

Character & Paragraph Panel Properties
Advanced spacing understanding
Add Text inside of Paths
Add Text to Paths
Manipulate Text on Paths

Lesson 12: The Gate: Feature Film

Use what you have learned in previous lessons combined with new techniques to create a title for a feature film.

Coming up with title concepts
Choose a base font
Making your text trademarkable
Add Texture to a Title in Illustrator
Manipulate Text using erasing and cutting tools
Create a custom shatter effect

Lesson 13: Color like a Pro

Jump into the Illustrator Swatches panel to manage and create color. We will also explore setting up a more convenient color workflow for projects.

Learn about the Swatches Panel
Create new Colors and Groups
Learn more efficient Color Workflows

Lesson 14: Social Media: Design & Workflow

Use your skills in Illustrator and the power of multiple artboards to create several social posts tailored for the most popular networks.

Working across Multiple Artboards
Working with Standard Social Media Sizes for Artwork
Batch Export your Social Media Posts efficiently

Lesson 15: Dance for Me: Puppet Warp Project

Explore one of the newer features known as the Puppet Warp Tool which allows you to articulate vector images in a fluid way.

What is Puppet Wrap Tool
What Type of Art is best for the Puppet Wrap Tool
Apply and Use the Puppet Wrap Tool

Lesson 16: Tool Exploration

Use Illustrator's strange WARP tools to enhance text and other graphic elements.

Learn about all the Warp Tools
Explore some of the Warp Tool Options for more creative power
Create ripped and torn edges
Re-model graphics like clay
Create decorative florals and other clip art

Lesson 17: Cross-Application Roundtripping

Take art created in the previous lesson and move it to Photoshop to add texture and more.

Moving Vector Content to Photoshop
Enhancing Vectors in Photoshop
Sending Information from Photoshop to Illustrator

Lesson 18: Zombie Party! Multi-page Brochure

Use all that you've learned as well as learn a few more tricks to create a Zombie Party brochure for print.

Setting up a Project for Print
Create and Use Multiple Graphic Elements
Finish and Save your File for Print

Illustrator Advanced
2 days | Windows | Mac
Duration: 12 hours
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Course Description

On this advanced class you will learn the advanced features and techniques in Adobe Illustrator. You will complete a series of projects which include Faux 3D buttons and icons, an infographic, a typography based poster and billboard, product logo and branding, painting with brushes, label and packaging, an event poster and much more.


Students should have completed Illustrator Fundamentals or have equivalent knowledge prior to attending.

Target Audience

Aimed at existing users of Illustrator.

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Lesson 1: Faux 3D Design

Use the powerful Appearance panel to create and organize simulated 3D buttons and effects.

Learn how to work with the Appearance panel
Use the Gradients panel to create textures
Manage layers and groups for better design

Lesson 2: lnfographics

Use Illustrator's graphing tools and other features to create infographics in 2D and 3D.

Working with the graphing tools
Gradients and Shadow Effects
Work with 30 to enhance graphs

Lesson 3: Advanced Typography

Use several tools and techniques to create a Typography-based poster and more

Work with warping text
Working with the Appearance panel
Text tools and techniques

Lesson 4: Image Tracing

Use Image Trace and Live Paint to turn common pixel-based art into beautiful vector masterpieces.

Learn about the Image Trace workflow
Use Live Paint to add color to vector artwork
Learn about the types of vector art

Lesson 5: Repetitive Art

Use Illustrator's amazing Pattern Maker as well as a few hidden features to create amazing repetitive artwork.

Make patterns in Illustrator
Use Anchor Points and Object Transforms
Use the Transform effect

Lesson 6: Blending Modes

Use the popular Blending Modes feature to create complex blending effects on your images.

Learn about Blending Modes
Apply Blending Modes to your layers
Working with Blending Modes

Lesson 7: Text & Graphics

Learn additional methods to combine text and graphics to create a one-page info article.

Format and connect text boxes
Wrap text around a graphic
Use a Gradient Mesh to create graphics

Lesson 8: Vector Brushes

Learn about the many different types of vector brushes to create some unique artwork

Use and define Brushes
Add brush art to existing paths
Create vector brushes

Lesson 9: Vector 3D Art

Use 3D Effects in Illustrator to create two very different types of 3D vector artwork.

Learn about the Extrude & Bevel Effect
Learn about the Revolve Effect
Position your 3D Artwork

Lesson 10: Raster & Vector

Combine raster and vector graphic design together and learn how to manage their relationship in Illustrator.

Learn more about raster graphics in Illustrator
Work with the mighty Appearance panel
Create vector elements for your raster graphic

Lesson 11: Advanced Color

Use some of the most powerful coloring features in Illustrator to alter and convert the colors of your artwork.

Create professional color combinations
Convert and alter colors
Learn how to reduce colors in your artwork

Lesson 12: Perspective Art

Use the powerful Perspective Grid in Illustrator to create 3D looking perspective vector artwork.

Learn about the Perspective Grid
Create a perspective logo from scratch
Manipulate elements on the grid

Illustrator Bootcamp
5 days | Windows | Mac
Duration: 30 hours
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Course Description

This is our most comprehensive Illustrator course, taking you from beginner to master in 5 days. Our trainer will take you step-by-step through a series of Real World projects and show you how the best professional designers use Adobe Illustrator in the Real World. You will learn hundred of tips, tricks, techniques and shortcuts so that you master this program. By the end of the week, you'll be designing complex illustrations.


No prior experience of Adobe Illustrator is needed. Basic computer knowledge is required.

Target Audience

Aimed at new users of Illustrator.

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Lesson 1: Introduction: Interface & Navigation

Explore the interface and navigation of Adobe Illustrator - the World's no. 1 vector editing program.

Create a New Document
Navigate the Illustrator Interface
Get familiar with Panels and Working with Objects

Lesson 2: Icon Design

Learn to work with the Illustrator Shape Tools and Object Transform features to create basic icons for buttons, logos or other professional and personal purposes.

Work with Various Shapes & Lines
Transform Shapes
Combine and Manipulate Shapes

Lesson 3: The Pen Tool: Tracing & Coloring Artwork

Learn how to use the ultimate precision path creation tool in Illustrator…the Pen Tool.

Learn about Vector Paths
Learn to use the Pen Tool
Other Path Manipulation Tools

Lesson 4: Type Basics

Learn the fundamentals of formatting text using the Character Panel.

Learning about the Type of Text for any Design
Working with Fonts
Using the Character Panel to Format Text

Lesson 5: Rock 'n' Roll Vector Poster Design

Combine what you have learned (and learn new techniques) to create an event poster.

Practice Creating and Arranging Text
Work with and Modify Vector Graphics
Learn One Way how to Distort Text Creatively

Lesson 6: Exporting for the Web

Explore the best way to finish your artwork and export it for websites, social media and beyond.

Prepping your Artwork for Export
Exporting Ad & Export for Screens
Learn about Save for Web Legacy

Lesson 7: Compounding Shapes

Learn how to combine shapes into a single shape known as compound shape.

Learn what Compound Shapes really are
Create Compound Shapes
Use Compound Shapes to Create Complex Art

Lesson 8: Complex Shapes

Use the powerful Pathfinder Tool to create compound and other types of unique custom shapes for professional projects.

Access and Use the Pathfinder Panel
Shape Modes vs Pathfinders
Use the Pathfinder to Create Compound Shapes

Lesson 9: The Pathfinder in Practice

Harness the power of the Pathfinder Panel and some new techniques to create unique logo art.

Outlining Text
Use Graphics to Create Texture for Artwork
Learn to Layout your Logo before Combining Elements

Lesson 10: Use & Create Symbols

Save your art and then distribute it in various ways using Symbols.

What are Symbols?
Create Symbols
Use Symbols in your Artwork

Lesson 11: Typography

Delve deeper into the world of typography and explore more panels and text path effects to expand your artistic abilities.

Character & Paragraph Panel Properties
Add Text to Paths
Manipulate Text on Paths

Lesson 12: The Gate: Feature Film

Use what you have learned in previous lessons combined with new techniques to create a title for a feature film.

Working with Text to Format a Feature Title
Add Texture to a Title in Illustrator
Manipulate Text using the Knife Tool

Lesson 13: Color like a Pro

Jump into the Illustrator Swatches panel to manage and create color. We will also explore setting up a more convenient color workflow for projects.

Learn about the Swatches Panel
Create new Colors and Groups
Learn more efficient Color Workflows

Lesson 14: Social Media: Design & Workflow

Use your skills in Illustrator and the power of multiple artboards to create several social posts tailored for the most popular networks.

Working across Multiple Artboards
Working with Standard Social Media Sizes for Artwork
Batch Export your Social Media Posts efficiently

Lesson 15: Dance for Me: Puppet Warp Project

Explore one of the newer features known as the Puppet Warp Tool which allows you to articulate vector images in a fluid way.

Learn about the Puppet Wrap Tool
What Type of Art is best for the Puppet Wrap Tool
Apply and Use the Puppet Wrap Tool

Lesson 16: Tool Exploration

Use Illustrator's strange WARP tools to enhance text and other graphic elements.

Learn about all the Warp Tools
Explore some of the Warp Tool Options
Use Warp Tools to creatively Warp text

Lesson 17: Cross-Application Roundtripping

Take art created in the previous lesson and move it to Photoshop to add texture and more.

Moving Vector Content to Photoshop
Enhancing Vectors in Photoshop
Sending Information from Photoshop to Illustrator

Lesson 18: Zombie Party! Multi-page Brochure

Use all that you've learned as well as learn a few more tricks to create a Zombie Party brochure for print.

Setting up a Project for Print
Create and Use Multiple Graphic Elements
Finish and Save your File for Print

Lesson 19: Faux 3D Buttons - Advanced Design Techniques

Use the powerful Appearance panel to create advanced, layered artwork.

Learn how to Work with the Appearance Panel
Use the Gradients Panel to Create Paux-ganic Texture
Manage Layers and Groups of Layers for Better Design

Lesson 20: Infographic Design

Use Illustrator’s graphing tools and other features to create both 2D and 3D infographics.

Working with the Graphing Tools
Get Creative with Gradients to Create Shadow Effects
Work 3D to Enhance Graphs

Lesson 21: Typography-Based Design Work

Use several tools and techniques to create a Typography-based poster.

Work with Warping Text
Use the Appearance Panel to Create Multiple Strokes
Use Tools and Techniques to Change Visibility of Text

Lesson 22: Advanced Tracing - Live Trace & Live Paint

Live Trace and all Live Trace Options
Live Paint and Add Color to Vector Art
Learn about the Types of Art that are better as Vectors

Lesson 23: Repetitive Art - Patterns & Transformations

Use Illustrator's amazing Pattern Maker as well as a few hidden features to create amazing repetitive artwork.

Make Patterns in Illustrator
Use Anchor Points and Transforms
Use the Transform Effect

Lesson 24: Advanced Blending Modes

Use the infamous Blending Modes to create complex blending effects on your vector images.

Learn about Blending Modes
Apply Blending Modes to your Layers
What are the most Popular Blending Modes in Design

Lesson 25: Text & Graphics: Formatting Techniques

Learn advanced methods to combine text and graphics to create an info one-page article.

Format and Connect Text Boxes
Wrap Text around a Graphic
Use a Gradient Mesh to Create Graphic

Lesson 26: Vector Brushes

Learn how to use vector brushes in Illustrator, you will learn how to create them.

Use and Define Brushes
Add Brush Art to Existing Paths
Create Vector Brushes

Lesson 27: Vector 3D Art

Use 3D Effects in Illustrator to create two very different types of 3D vector artwork.

Learn about the Extrude & Bevel Effect
Learn about the Revolve Effect
Position your 3D Artwork

Lesson 28: Raster & Vector - Mixing Artwork

Learn how to combine Raster and Vector graphic design together and learn how to manage their relationship in Illustrator.

Learn more about Raster Graphics in Illustrator
Work with the Mighty Appearance Panel
Create Vector Elements for your Raster Graphic

Lesson 29: Advanced Color - Conversions & beyond

Learn to use some of the most powerful coloring features in Illustrator to alter and convert your artwork.

Create Professional Color Combinations
Convert and Alter Colors
Learn how to Reduce Colors in your Artwork

Lesson 30: Perspective - Design Workflow

Use the powerful Perspective Grid in Illustrator to create 3D looking perspective vector artwork.

Learn about the Perspective Grid
Create a perspective Logo from Scratch
Manipulate Elements on the Grid


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